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Payment Methods

For purchases from the online store of the company Furniture Tsiogas has the following payment methods:

  • Payment using a credit card

It is possible to pay through credit, debit and prepaid cards of Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, AmericanExpress.

When you choose a credit, debit or prepaid card as your payment method, you are automatically transferred to the secure environment of Piraeus Bank. does not participate at all in the process of online payment by credit, debit or prepaid card and does not store your card details.

  • Payment by deposit in a bank account 

Piraeus Bank

Beneficiary Tsiogas Ioannis

Account Number

IBAN GR1001722500005250087654189

In case of deposit you should send the receipt via e-mail to so that we can track your payment.

Otherwise you can send us the details:

1) Deposit bank

2) Date / time of deposit

3) Name

4) Deposit amount

This way we will be able to track your payment immediately and proceed with the shipment of your order.

In case your credit card is not approved by your bank, the company reserves the right to cancel your order.